Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Orion and Rose the 6th sister

A tear ran down Rose's cheek.
She touched Orion's hard chest and buried her face in his shoulder.
She continued to cry till Orion pulled her away from him.
"I have to go now." He touched his nose to hers
She broke down again and started to cry nonstop.
Please, don't go...not now...not ever." She begged
Orion looked up at the sky the sun was just about to set
"Rose, I have to go."
She took a step back to look  at him, she gasped.
Orion was starting to fade away.
"Please." She begged again
Orion placed his hand on her cheek.
"Good bye my love." He whispered
Then Rose opened her eyes, Orion was gone from her view, she looked up in the night sky and saw a beautiful sight. Orion was in the stars...her love...was looking after her.She whipped the tears from her eyes and started walking home, but she couldn't help feel like some one was looking at her. She continued to walk, but now with a huge smile across her face

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